Send A Chill Down Your Spine With Real Wyoming Ghost Stories
From the YouTube page, GoulishGal comes 5 Wyoming ghost stories they swear are true.
Creepy background music. A young lady tells the stories. Goosebumps rise. The pictures for the videos are static but just as creepy as the music.
No gore, no slasher junk. Just goosebumps stories that take place in Wyoming. Some are outside, some take place inside. Some stories are old but most of them take place in modern times.
There is even a guardian angel protecting a frightened person in the Wyoming woods.
You'll enjoy the narrating style of your host as she tells these stories. This Wyoming video is worth sharing. Perfect for Halloween night.
Goulish Gal likes to post regular videos on her YouTube page. You can also follow her on Facebook.
While we are at it, from the same YouTube page, let's take a look at 5 Wyoming Urban Legends.
From little people living in the hills to a headless bride. Criminals and magical animals. The Last state was a good one!
Urban Legends can be especially creepy because there is always a little bit of truth that gets the story started, after that, we have to wonder what is fact and what is fiction, or exaggeration. Each time the legend is passed on to the next person it changes a bit, either through embellishment or details gotten wrong.
Keep checking back with me because I love working with my radio listeners to invent new ghost stories and create new urban legends to spread among the population. If we do it right these stories will be here long after you and I are gone.
VANISHED! The True Story of a Wyoming Ghost Town.
The strangest part of this story is that folks in Park County Wyoming knew that this town was vanishing. They watched as the lower hills around it disappeared first.
Knowing what was coming, they took apart a few buildings and moved them to other towns and ranches. But they knew they were not going to be able to get everything.
Slowly, over a period of weeks, the town was swallowed up.
Old-timers will point down to where it was and talk about the quaint little place as if they had just walked the streets yesterday. Many who are still alive today had friends and relatives who lived down there.
Recent talk has been that the town might make a reappearance, if only for a short while. Maybe a year or two, then vanish again. But those who remember the old place say that is not likely. "The water will have to get a whole lot lower than it is now for us to see Marquette again."

Shoshone Dam was renamed Buffalo Bill Dam in 1946. At the base of the 82,900 cubic-yard concrete structure lies the remains of Wyoming's only underwater ghost town.
In 1878, three decades before Buffalo Bill put Cody on the map, George Marquette came to the Bighorn Basin. One of the first white settlers in the area, Marquette farmed and ranched along the confluence of the Shoshone River.
"Uncle George", as he was known to locals, established the Marquette post office in 1891 and served as the town's first postmaster, justice of the peace, and coroner. By the time the nearby town of Cody was founded in 1906, Marquette had a barbershop, dancehall, general store, schoolhouse, and saloon.
But Buffalo Bill had bigger plans. Cody wanted to build an irrigation dam at the North Fork and South Fork of the Shoshone. Unfortunately for the Wild West showman, he ran out of money so he sold his land to the Bureau of Reclamation for the modern-day equivalent of $86,000.
After the Feds paid off other ranchers in the area, construction began on a road and a 325-foot-high dam. When it was completed in 1910 the Shoshone Dam was the largest in the world. The road eventually became U.S. Highway 14, connecting Cody to the east entrance of Yellowstone National Park.
A few years ago I asked my morning radio listeners in Wyoming to send me their ideas for a new Wyoming ghost story. I told them that those suggestions would be woven into a story and video that would be posted a few weeks before Halloween.
That story is in the YouTube video below and is titled, I Must Wake From This Dream.
The radio audience and I had a great time putting this story together, so I'll do it again this year.
Do you have any ideas for a Wyoming ghost story? It does not matter how long or short the suggestion is. Just send it to me at Glenn.Woods@townsquaremedia.com and I'll see if I can add it to what I'm writing. Then I'll either add the text or maybe record it like I did last time.
--- Glenn Woods
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Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods
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