University of Wyoming Removes White Supremacist Posters on Campus
The University of Wyoming has removed fliers containing white supremacist and neo-Nazi content that were posted in a number of buildings around the University of Wyoming campus this week.
The posters were put up by the group Identity Evropa, who posted pictures of the posters they put up on their Twitter account.
In a message posted to their Facebook page, Associated Students of UW President Ben Wetzel said students should report these posters to the UW Police Department if they find them.
“As the flagship institute of the Equality State, it is well know that we will not stand for this type of messaging on our campus, “ Wetzel writes in the post. “As a further reaffirmation of our support for all students, especially those minority and underrepresented cultures targeted by white supremacist organizations, I ask that all students be on the lookout for posters, flyers, or other materials that are not approved, attack any group of students, or appear suspicious.”
UW Spokesman Chad Baldwin said the posters were put up in four or five buildings around campus. He said UW took the posters down because the group did not follow the proper approval process for posters.
"UW certainly condemns the message of this group," Baldwin said.
Baldwin said he knew that the group who put up the posters had done similar things in other colleges across the country, including Sheridan College and Northwest College in Wyoming.
"Our concern is this group is doing this simply to get attention and we don't want to facilitate that," Baldwin said.
He said UWPD is investigating the incident.
UW student Rihanna Kelver said she is pleased with the way UW is handling the situation.
Of the posters, Kelver said they do not represent the values of the UW and Laramie community.
"These are not UW values, these are not Wyoming values and these are not American values," she said. "I, and many other of my peers, will not stay complicit in the direct call to violence from white supremacists."
Kelver said UW students and Laramie community need to stand together against these kinds of actions to make sure they do not go further.
"These individuals are trying to make their ideology become more mainstream, and it's working" Kelver said. "It's becoming more and more dangerous. We as a community must stop this before it gets much further."
The posters follow another incident in November 2017 where Holocaust denial fliers were posted on campus during UW's Holocaust Remembrance Week.
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