The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is reminding people that though it seems that it is alright to feed wild animals, it can actually cause serious problems and even lead to their demise.
Big game animals, such as deer and moose will readily eat hay, but the micro-organisms in their stomachs that aid in digestion are adapted to break down vegetation the animal naturally consumes during winter mon
With fall finally arriving and the weather cooling down, it is the best time to find the many animals that Wyoming has to offer. From elk to owls to prairie dogs, there are several areas around Laramie where you and your family can go and look for these creatures from a distance...
Do you ever have the feeling you're being watched even though you can't see anyone or anything? There's a good chance that happened to a jogger recently as he WAS being a mountain lion.
It's great to have a hobby you enjoy. Some people scrapbook. My dad used to collect stamps. Many watch and/or participate in sports. As for me, I tend to spend my free time watching Wyoming web cams and this is why.
When you drive the highways and byways of western America, you never know what wildlife may be joining you on the road. A Montana driver recently shared video of 3 young mountain lions who were booking it down the road alongside him.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is encouraging anyone who spends time in bear and mountain lion country to attend a free workshop on May 21 in Cheyenne.