Pandemic Wreck’s Global Class of 2020’s Hopes for First JobsPandemic Wreck’s Global Class of 2020’s Hopes for First JobsCOVID-19 has thwarted hopes of landing first jobs, which are important for jumpstarting careers, as employers cut back graduate recruiting plans or even revoke job offers.Associated PressAssociated Press
A Unique ‘Capping Ceremony’ for Laramie High’s Class of 2020 [PHOTOS]A Unique ‘Capping Ceremony’ for Laramie High’s Class of 2020 [PHOTOS]Laramie High School held its “Drive-in Capping Ceremony” on Friday in the parking lot on the east side of War Memorial Stadium.David SettleDavid Settle
KOWB Will Assist With Laramie High School's Capping CeremonyKOWB Will Assist With Laramie High School's Capping CeremonyIn cooperation with Albany County School District No. 1 and Laramie High School, KOWB is proud to help with the 2020 Capping Ceremony on Friday.David SettleDavid Settle
Laramie High School Seniors in Spring Sports Honored [VIDEO]Laramie High School Seniors in Spring Sports Honored [VIDEO]Even some rain didn’t dampen the spirits of the special Laramie High School Spring Sports Senior Recognition on Friday night at Deti Stadium.David SettleDavid Settle