Cheyenne Animal Control: Leash & Pick Up After Your Dog or Face $750 FineCheyenne Animal Control: Leash & Pick Up After Your Dog or Face $750 FineCheyenne Animal Control is reminding pet owners to leash and pick up after their dogs.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Mayor Pushes For 5th Cent Tax Renewal [VIDEO]Mayor Pushes For 5th Cent Tax Renewal [VIDEO]Laramie Mayor Andrea Summerville admitted there's not a lot going on with city council at this time.David SettleDavid Settle
Laramie Mayor Points to Public Forums in Interview [VIDEO]Laramie Mayor Points to Public Forums in Interview [VIDEO]Laramie Mayor Andrea Summerville talked tax renewal, public forums on unpaved streets in the community, The Big Event, and more in her monthly visit on KOWB.David SettleDavid Settle
Councilman Fights to Legalize Skateboarding in Downtown CheyenneCouncilman Fights to Legalize Skateboarding in Downtown CheyenneCheyenne City Councilman Richard Johnson is working to repeal a section of city code which prohibits skateboarding in the downtown area.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Cheyenne City Council Amends Indecent Exposure LawCheyenne City Council Amends Indecent Exposure LawAn archaic law prohibiting Cheyenne residents from wearing indecent attire in public was stripped from the city books Monday night.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Cheyenne City Council Raises Residential Speed LimitCheyenne City Council Raises Residential Speed LimitThe Cheyenne City Council voted 9 to 1 Monday night to increase the blanket speed limit of 25 mph back to 30 mph.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald