Shockingly, Wyoming Ranked Low for Women’s Equality
Considering one of the Wyoming's nicknames is the "Equality State", it is very disappointing how low we scored overall for women's equality statewide.
A new study was released today (Monday, August 23rd, 2021), which was conducted by personal finance website, WalletHub, for "2021's Best & Worst States for Women’s Equality". According to the study, out of all 50 states, Wyoming ranked 26th overall.
Even more disturbing, the Cowboy State landed dead last (50th place), for the largest income gap between men and women. We also didn't score well for the longest work hours gap (46th), although that particular statistic swung in favor of women.
The one bright light in the study was Wyoming ranked 1st overall for the smallest executive position gap, when compared to the rest of the country.

To determine where women receive the most equal treatment in America, WalletHub compared the 50 states across three key dimensions:
- Workplace Environment
- Education & Health
- Political Empowerment
The study also stated that:
Women also faced inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women were initially laid off at a greater rate than men and re-employed more slowly. Luckily, the gap has begun to close – for example, more than half of job gains in May went to women, and the June unemployment rate for women was 5.5%, compared to 5.9% for men.
Here's to hoping things get back to normal soon and we see a swift and total end to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well any variants. Maybe that will bring more equality in the workplace across the globe.
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