Online Poll: Was It A Mistake For The U.S. To Go Into Afghanistan?
All of Wyoming is mourning the death of Wyoming native Rylee McCollum, the U.S. Marine from Wyoming who was killed in a terror attack on Kabul last week.

McCollum left a pregnant wife behind. You can donate to a Gofundme page for the education of the couple's child here. A second Gofundme page, set up by McCollum's mother-in-law, is called "Love for Gigi," is taking donations for his widow. You can donate to that page here.
Few people would argue that U.S. involvement in Afghanistan has ended well. But does that mean it was a mistake?
Some would argue that it was, that American military involvement in a remote South Asian country known as the 'Grave of Empires'' was doomed from the start and was never a good idea. They would point out that past interventions by major military powers ranging from Great Britain to the Soviet Union were unsuccessful, and that we should have learned from that history.
But others would argue that the original U.S. involvement deprived Al-Queada and other terror groups of a base of operations and helped lead to the eventual death of Osama Bin Laden, who was forced to leave the country for Pakistan, where he was eventually killed. Supporters of this view would tend to argue that the problem was not the fact that we went into Afghanistan, but the way the exit was handled.
So what do you think? We'll publish the results of our poll in a few days.
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