No Surprise Here: Wyoming Ranked One of the Best States for Beer Lovers
What can we say? Wyoming knows its beer and we love a good beer at that! In case you couldn't tell from the Wyoming Brewers Festival that came through and took over downtown Cheyenne just a couple weeks ago, brewers and beer connoisseurs throughout the Cowboy State truly love their local beer. It just so happens, we love it so much, we're one of the best states for beer lovers.
Sure, we only have so many breweries to go around throughout the Wyoming given its lack of population, but that doesn't stop us from making good beer here. The publication 'Vine Pair' certainly took notice. Not only did we rank very well on their list, but they also pointed out the fact that Wyoming has the lowest beer excise taxes. Those tax breaks seem to be everywhere here.
'Vine Pair' ranked us just outside the top 10 best states for beer lovers as Wyoming finished at #11. I think we'll take that. Washington D.C. is also considered along with the 50 states so 11 out of 51 is pretty awesome. Here's what 'Vine Pair' had to say about Wyoming its spot on the list:
Wyoming only has 45 craft breweries statewide; what it lacks in quantity, however, this state makes up for in quality. Those 45 craft breweries rank in the top five on a per capita basis, and their production nearly cracks the top 10 per capita. The cherry on top? Beer enthusiasts also enjoy the lowest tax rate in the country at a mere 2 cents on the dollar.
If you need any proof of this, then please hop in a DeLorean and get it up to 88 miles per hour so you can go back a couple weeks to the Wyoming Brewers Festival. Just a few samples from the awesome festival was all you need to be convinced.
As we enter into 4th of July Weekend, this is definitely a pretty awesome stat to know given the long weekend ahead of us. Cheers, Wyoming!
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