Last night's Academy Awards show was highlighted by political grandstanding, the unnerving sight of Neil Patrick Harris in a pair of tighty-whities, and one of the lowest grossing Best Picture winners ever.  However, there is hope that next year's Oscars might actually be worth watching.

Surely, you can count on the ceremony to run long.  And millionaire movie stars will climb back up on their soapboxes.  And some of the jokes will be really bad.   But at least Wyoming movie buffs will have something to root for.

As we speak, legendary director Quentin Tarantino is busy filming his latest project "The Hateful Eight", a post civil war western set here in the great state of Wyoming. Similar to Tarantino's latest Oscar winning film "Django Unchained", the plot follows two bounty hunters, played by Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson, as they attempt to transport a dangerous woman across the state to stand trial for her crimes.

Although the film is set in Wyoming, most of the scenes are being filmed in western Colorado. The Hateful Eight is expected to hit theaters this fall. Considering Tarantino's track record as a two time Academy Award winner,  his new project might actually give Wyoming film fans a good reason to sit through the Oscars next year.

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