Much Of Interstates 80 and 25 In SE Wyoming Closed To Travel
As of 8 a.m. on March 12, portions of both Interstates 25 and 80 in southeast Wyoming were closed due to poor travel conditions caused by strong winds, blowing snow and icy roads.
That's according to the Wyoming Department of Transportation road and travel website.
WYDOT said I-25 was closed in both directions between Cheyenne and Wheatland. I-25 was open between Cheyenne and the Colorado state line, although strong winds, blowing snow and slick spots were being reported on that stretch of highway.
The Southbound lane of I-25 was also closed between Douglas and Whealand. Interstate 80 in southeasat Wyoming was meanwhile closed between Rawlins and Cheyenne. I-80 was open beetween Cheyenne and the Nebraska state line, although strong winds and blowing snow were being reported. You can access the latest WYDOT road and travel conditions report here, or by dialing 511.
The Cheyenne Office of the National Weather Service was predicting winds of 70 plus for the area through the day on Saturday:
High Wind Warnings continue today with significant impacts on travel. We've already seen wind gusts to 76 mph out by Cooper Cove on Interstate 80 and 65 mph gusts at Bordeaux on Interstate 25. With fresh snow, these strong winds are creating serious travel conditions. WYDOT still has both Interstate 80 and 25 CLOSED due to winter conditions and strong winds. Strongest winds are yet to come this morning with strongest winds right around sunrise. They will slowly decrease through the late afternoon and evening. Please follow WYDOT's Road Condition Report at wyoroad.info/pls/Browse/WRR.STATIC5?SelectedDistrict=1 for latest road conditions. Be safe!