Mary Alice Bruce Voted to Albany County School Board
During the January 19 Board of Trustees Meeting for Albany County School District #1 (ACSD#1), the Board voted to approve the addition of Mary Alice Bruce to the Board of Trustees, filling the vacancy left by Jamin Johnson.

Bruce was one of four candidates that were interviewed during the Jan. 19 forum, joining Dan Bleak, Jeff Suloff, and Gwen Clark. The four all submitted letters of interest, and the Board chose to interview all four during a January 17 Special Called Meeting.
Bruce will serve until November 30, 2022, and may run for the school board during the 2022 election cycle.
State Statute 21-3-108 states: A vacancy occurring for any cause upon the board of trustees of any school district shall be filled within thirty (30) days by action of the remaining members of the board. A person chosen to fill a vacancy shall serve until the next election of school district trustees. An election shall then be held to fill the unexpired term.
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