Kiwanis Food Drive to Benefit Local Organizations
Kiwanis will be sponsoring a food drive to benefit Interfaith Good Samaritan on Sunday, September 30 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Volunteers will be collecting food outside of Walmart, Safeway, and Ridley's.
Some of the food donated will also benefit the Backpack Program, which is run by the school district. The program helps children from low-income homes by providing backpacks full of food to last three days, from the time they leave school Friday until they arrive for breakfast on Monday morning. The program currently sends out 90 backpacks per week, a number that is expected to increase during the school year.
Items used for the Backpack Program are non-perishable, single serving items that can be opened without the use of a can opener. These include: fruit and pudding cups, ramen noodles, individually wrapped snacks, boxed macaroni and cheese, and pull-top canned soups. Due to allergies, the program cannot accept peanut butter or peanut products.
Interfaith Good Samaritan is also starting to prepare to make Thanksgiving food baskets. They will need canned vegetables, yams, stuffing and gravy mixes for the baskets. The organization is also in dire need of diapers, a necessary item that Interfaith often goes through quickly.
For any additional information or questions about the food drive, please contact Steve Wagner by calling 307-742-4220.