It's a classic "You say tomato, I say tomato" situation. Luciano's is a local restaurant with a name pronounced differently by many people Laramie residents.

Luciano's has recently garnered some attention because of their intentions to relocate to East Grand Avenue and in one of our surveys, we asked you if the restaurant seemed more appealing in downtown Laramie, or on Grand Avenue.

While that question remains, today, we want to know how you pronounce Luciano's. Some people pronounce the name like lou-chee-aw-nose, while others pronounce the name lou-see-aw-nose, which pronunciation sounds better to you?



We want to reward you just for answering this poll! Enter your answer to this poll, for your chance to win some great prizes like gift cards, DVDs, and four great summer quick tips!

Have a local “Survey of the Day” question you want to ask about? Let us know! Survey results will be ready one week after the survey start date on the Laramie Live Radio Show, so listen in to KOWB 1290 AM weekday mornings at 8:05 a.m.


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