Gov. Gordon Again Recommends Staying Home When Possible
During a press conference today, Governor Mark Gordon stated that he would not be putting in a stay at home order, as Wyoming has been given the advice to stay at home as much as possible, practice good personal hygiene, only go out to the store if you need to, and keep a 6ft distance from others.
As he had stated previously, he said that stay at home orders had many exemptions. He stated that he wanted to keep the orders simple, taking a "talk less, say more" approach.
Gordon also recommended that families should only have one designated person go out for essential items.
Gordon stated that he was sure that people of Wyoming have the mindset to follow these recommendations and that there have been positive results so far that he has seen. Stated that you can see it in the data regarding car traffic, and the parking lots of stores.
Gordon again called for the state to come together and work to wipe out this virus.
“We are in this as a state,” he said.