Fees to Request Birth, Death, Marriage and Divorce Certificates Are Being Raised
The Wyoming Department of Health announced that fees to procure birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates through Vital Statistics Services are being raised, as of July 1.

According to a release sent out by the Department of Health, the costs of birth, marriage, and divorce certificates will increase by $5 each, while death certificates will increase by $10. The department notes that fees for searches and other official activities are also increasing by $5.
The increase is being done because of department budget adjustments that were announced last year, according to Guy Beaudoin, the Deputy State Registrar with the Wyoming Department of Health.
“In addition, a new $5 fee will be added for death certificates to help support the indigent burial fund approved by the Wyoming Legislature earlier this year,” Beaudoin said.
He also stated that all documents requests that are postmarked on or after July 1 will institute the new fees.
Beaudoin emphasized that Vital Statistics Services (VSS) is the only source to procure Wyoming's official certificates.
“We want people to be cautious about online companies offering birth, death and other certificate services," he said. "Some of these secondary providers charge as much as three or four times more than the fees we charge through our office.”
He continued, stating that, “Many of these companies collect information from customers, have them sign a release document and then simply forward the completed application to our office for processing. It’s an added step that doesn’t help anyone get what they need any more quickly. In fact, it is more likely to slow down the process.
“We suggest people contact our office directly rather than spending extra money for dubious service claims.”
For more information, or to download the application needed to request certificates, you can visit the official VSS website or call 307-777-7591.
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