Engineers Without Borders Fundraiser April 26-27
Run Josh Run is a fundraising event for Engineers Without Borders (EWB) held on April 26 and 27 from 10 a.m.-10 a.m--a full 24-hour period.
Individuals walkers/runners are asked to solicit monetary sponsorships corresponding to the number of laps they run. Single-amount donations are gladly accepted as well.
People can also ask to have EWB’s designated runner sponsored on a per lap basis. The EWB runner will be attempting to run 100 miles (400 laps) in 24 hours. Individuals are encouraged to support walkers/runners even if they do not have sponsorships.
Individual registration before the event can be done online (it's $20, and includes a T-shirt). Individual registration on the day of the event is free and event T-shirts will be available for $20. Lap counters will be provided by EWB-WYO.
This year’s run will also include a team competition. Teams will have an opportunity to compete for awards for most laps run and most funds raised during the 24-hour event.
Here are the guidelines for teams:
- Teams can consist of up to 6 members and must have at least 2 members.
- An individual may only be on one team.
- An organization may register an unlimited amount of teams.
- Laps will be counted by EWB-WYO members.
- Team entry will be $20 and includes lap counters and refreshments.
- The team registration fee does not include T-shirts. Event T-shirts will be available for $15 per person.
Event schedule and times
Registration starts at 9:00 a.m., and the event starts at 10:00 a.m. on April 26. The event will last until 10:00 a.m. on April 27.