A sassy little greeting card company- right here in the Cowboy State- puts fun back into sending cards to your loved ones. Creativity Cards is based out of the little town of Wright, Wyoming (Or more specifically, in the owner's basement,) but has grown to be available in shops all over the country and online worldwide.

Sarah Starks, Owner and operator, started her career as an architect, but she said she needed a creative outlet and decided she needed to do something more artistic.  "I always enjoyed doing cards, and trying to find the perfect one to fit people you know and something funny that people can relate to," Starks said. "It morphed into a business that I could be a little sassy but have an outlet to get my hands dirty and get inky." Creativity Cards is now Sarah's full-time business, but she sometimes freelances her architecture design on the side.


Starks has two main letterpress machines in her basement, both of which are over 100 years old. Her website names one of them as "Bertha," a workhorse of a Chandler and Price letterpress from 1911. "They're kind of intimidating, so it took me a while to stop being so scared of them," Starks said of her printing machines. "They're cool machines."

A Campbell County High School graduate, Sarah moved back to Gillette to work there with her architecture after the recession. She met her husband, Travis, who was living in Wright, and soon she moved to the small town in "the middle of nowhere" for him.


Sarah says her current favorite cards are inspired by her own life with her husband.  "I have a new one I like "To have and to hold and to help me find my phone." My husband and I always have a joke where, if you lose your phone, you have to race to try to ding it before the other person can find it," Another of her favorite cards says: "There's no sweeter sound in marriage than hearing the sound of "You're right."



Creativity Cards are available all over the country, but in person you can find them in Wyoming at the Wyo Art Factory in Cheyenne, Poppy's in Laramie, and Museum Shop at the Nicolaysan Museum in Casper. Or online! 

Starks says that she feels fulfilled by her work. "It's kind a mix of being artistic and having fun and enjoying being funny and snarky."

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