College of Education Initiative
The University of Wyoming’s Board of Trustees voted yesterday to submit a grant request to the Daniels Fund. It’s a request for a five-year strategic planning and implementation grant designed to elevate UW’s College of Education to “national pre-eminent status.” The grant would fund the UW Trustees College of Education Initiative, which aims to recruit more of the best and brightest future educators from around the country as a means of improving Wyoming’s K-12 education system.
The proposal involves the Governor, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, legislators, community college leaders, and representatives of the K-12 education system in Wyoming. It calls for a National Advisory Board made up of educational experts from across the country, a governing board to be appointed in order to oversee the initiative, and a highly qualified executive director to work closely with the faculty, staff, and Dean of the College of Education to advance the work.
Earlier this year, the Daniels Fund awarded a $500,000 planning grant to UW, and this most recent proposal was developed under that grant.
“The College of Education is excited about the opportunity to pursue new levels of excellence through this potential award,” says Dean Ray Reutzel. “Seeking pre-eminent status will be a major undertaking, requiring the best efforts of all stakeholders, but we are anxious to begin the journey.”