A bill that is being proposed for next week's special session of the Wyoming Legislature would grant waivers from face mask mandates and vaccination requirements for K-12 students whose parents request them.

You can read the ''Grace Smith Medical Freedom Act" legislation here. It's being sponsored by Senator Bo Biteman [R- Sheridan County] and Rep. Ocean Andrew [R-Albany County].

In regard to vaccine requirements, the bill says "Waivers to the administration of required immunizations for preventable diseases shall be granted by the state or county health officer upon request by the child's parent, legal guardian or other adult person authorized to consent to medical treatment of the child seeking the waiver.  The state or county health officer shall grant the requested immunization waiver within seven (7) business days of receipt."

The language of the bill refers to "immunizations for preventable diseases'' not just specifically to COVID-19 vaccinations.

Current state law allows for parents to ask for vaccination exemptions if they are authorized by state or county health officers "upon submission of written evidence of a religious objection or medical contraindication to the administration of any vaccine." The proposed bill, if it becomes law, would not require parents to prove a religious exemption or medical reason for their child not to be vaccinated, but would rather allow them to get a waiver from the shots simply by asking for one.

On the issue of face mask mandates, the legislation says (e)  The state or county health officer shall grant waivers to any mask mandate imposed on any person attending, full or part-time, any public school, kindergarten through twelfth grade upon submission of a written request of the child's parent, legal guardian or other adult person authorized to consent to medical treatment of the child seeking the waiver. The state or county health officer shall grant the requested waiver within seven (7) business days of receipt.

The legislature is slated to meet from  Oct. 26-29 in a session that was called to push back against President Biden's vaccine mandate.

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We asked our listeners to tell us who they thought was the most famous Wyomingite in History, here are the top 10 picks. NOTE: To be a Wyomingite you do NOT have to be born here, but you DO have to have lived here for at least a year.

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