Biden Admin Says No Tax Dollars For Crack Pipes
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration says a government grant program to help prevent additional harm to people who use illicit drugs will not pay for safer pipes to smoke crack or meth.

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The White House scrambled Wednesday to douse a firestorm from the political right, some of it with racial undertones.
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and White House drug policy adviser Rahul Gupta in a statement that no taxpayer money will be used for pipes.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that was never the intention and blamed “inaccurate reporting” for a criticism that was cresting online.
45 Pictures Of Casper's Logan Wilson's NFL Action
The one time player at Natrona County High School and University of Wyoming has made quite the impact over the last 2 years in the NFL. Including being a big part of the defense that has lead the Cincinnati Bengals to their first Super Bowl in over 30 year.
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