Abraham Lincoln Presenter In Laramie
Have you been walking down the streets of Laramie and had a blast from the past when you thought you saw Abraham Lincoln? Don't be alarmed, Honest Abe is in town for a few days. Stanley Wernz is a first person presenter as Abraham Lincoln, and he truly fits the part.
He looks like Abraham Lincoln, he speaks like Abraham Lincoln and he can tell you all about Abraham Lincoln too. Wernz speaks in the first person as Abraham Lincoln throughout the country. Topics include Lincoln's early life, faith, education, politics, law practice, the war years and much more.
Wernz personalizes each presentation based off of his audience. If an audience is particularly young, he often speaks of his early life. If he is speaking to a church, topic of choice may go more towards that of Lincoln's faith.
Wernz is very knowledgeable about the works of Lincoln and history surrounding him. He can recite many of Abe's speeches from memory and can tell about all different times in his life, whether they be during childhood, work, politics, or war.
He provides times for questions after presentations. It's not often that Wernz is stumped by a Lincoln question, but if he is, he finds the answer for you. He says he is always learning more about the man he represents.
Wernz says the job is extrememly rewarding. He loves speaking to groups and teaching them all he can.
"It's very rewarding," says Wernz. "You'd be amazed at what fire you can ignite in a child."
Wernz will be speaking in a variety of places across Laramie beginning the night of Tuesday, September 23 and continuing until Thursday, September 25.
The public is invited to a presentation on Tuesday night at the Alice Hardie Stevens Center at Ivinson Mansion located at 603 Ivinson Avenue. The presentation begins at 7:30 p.m. and goes until approximately 9:00 p.m.
The public is also invited for a presentation on Wednesday, September 24 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m at the Trinity Lutheran Church at 107 S 7th Street.
Wernz will be spending most of his time in Laramie presenting to a variety of groups, clubs and schools around town. Wednesday he will be making appearances at Whiting School, Ivinson Memorial Hospital, Laramie High School, and Spring Wind Assisted Living. On Thursday, Wernz will visit the Eppson Center for Seniors and Beitel Elementary School.