Youth Empowerment Council to Host Wyoming’s First ‘Eating Disorder Workshop’
The Youth Empowerment Council will host Wyoming's first 'Eating Disorder Workshop' at the Natrona County Public Library on Saturday, May 15 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Per a release from YEC, 'This workshop is open to those struggling with an eating disorder [as well as] their loved ones, educators, and professionals who need more education about the disease.'
The release notes that the workshop will include comments from a specialized therapist, a dietician, and a dentist. These educators will explain how an eating disorder manifests, as well as the medical and psychological methods associated with recovery.
The release also says that attendees will also be connected to professionals that can aid in their recovery, along with online support groups. They will also be provided with information regarding access to insured treatment and other educational materials.
"Wyomingites are starving for access to eating disorder recovery," the release stated. "Wyoming is one of the only states that doesn't have an inpatient or outpatiend recovery facility. Because of how taboo the discussion is, it's unknown the amount of Wyomingites that are struggling with this detrimental disease. Struggling individuals often don't know who to contact to receive help, if they even seek help at all, and isolation only leads to the progression of the disease."
For more information, contact:
Elora L. Nation: (307)-797-0275 or elora.love1111@yahoo.com
Justine Marton: (307)-233-4266 or jmateri@mercercasper.com
The Youth Empowerment Council (coordinated by Brittlynn Adame and Justine Marton) is a substance-free, responsible, open group of young leaders who collaborate to better the community, support one another, inspire youth, grow and lead by example.
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