Wyoming Moose Looks Both Ways Before Crossing The Street
I'm not saying that wildlife is just smarter here, but, you know, it could be proven by scientific studies that we have the smartest Moose in the country. I at least want to believe that. It seems like we've seen situations over and over where Wyoming moose just over excel at being smart and knowing what to do around humans when they're encountered.
With all that said. This moose on TikTok, not only exemplifies how smart they are but also, just good manners.
Check out this video, the moose walks past people in this vehicle that filmed them, goes up to the crosswalk, looks both ways and walks through the crosswalk like a normal person.
Honestly, I want to give this moose a medal. Most people in Cheyenne don't use crosswalks(kidding, kind of). It was almost like the moose knew that's what you're supposed to do. Maybe he went to a moose traffic school somewhere in the Tetons?
Honestly, I kind of wish that's how it happened. There's a moose mayor somewhere and he requires all the other moose to take these classes. He's wearing a 1950s style fedora when I think about the moose mayor if you're wondering.

All kidding aside, moose are incredibly intelligent animals. It was probably just happenstance that this one chose to use the crosswalk. I don't think looking both ways was out of the normal for them since Jackson Hole yuppies are driving all over the place. They've adapted to yuppies.
Bullwinkle would be so proud.
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