What Weird Festival Has Wyoming Held?
Just like every day is a day to celebrate something, there are also really weird events being held across the country that raise intrigue and people flock to. When I lived in Western New York I attended the Hinsdale Horseradish Festival. That was pretty fun, actually. And, no, that’s not the weirdest festival in the state of New York.
The website Zippia looked into all these weird festivals, and honestly, it’s kind of fun to look at. Pennsylvania has an event I have been to, not by choice, by occupation, called “Stink Fest”. The good salt of the Earth people of Bradford PA absolutely love this festival for reasons...My Old Kentucky Home celebrates Lebowski Fest, and yes, that Lebowski, like as in the Big Lebowski. People dress up like The Dude and there are bands playing at this really divey bowling alley.
What about around the Cowboy State? Colorado celebrates the Frozen Dead Guy Days, which is very interesting how they can pull that off, and I’m hoping it’s not a summertime festival. You can celebrate Darby Logger Days in Montana. Nebraska has the Chicken Festival, because of course they do. Utah has the Sundance Film Festival, which I don’t get why it’s on this list as a weird event, but whatever.
Wyoming, what do we have? Well, I hate to tell you this, but the festival that is the weirdest in the Cowboy State is no more. Kind of funny that I found it in a quick Google Search, but Zippia couldn't. They listed Cheyenne Zombie Fest. I was so pumped when I read that, then immediately disappointed that it doesn’t exist anymore and hasn’t since 2018.

Corn Mazes in Wyoming 2020