Vehicle Crashes Into Needs Inc. In Cheyenne Causing Damage
The Cheyenne Police Department is investigating the crash of a Subaru into the Cheyenne Needs Inc. location in Cheyenne overnight.
That's according to a post on the CPD Facebook page:
''To the woman who felt compelled to donate her Subaru to Needs, inc. shortly after midnight, they're no longer taking vehicle donations. However, we do have your wallet and ID so feel free to come on back over and we can help you put together some of these puzzles you knocked off the shelves. If anyone saw this crash or has information on the whereabouts of our Subaru donor, please email Officer Maule at jmaule@cheyennepd.org.''
Damage estimates from the crash were not immediately available On Tuesday morning. Needs Inc. Executive Director Taylor Albert told Townsquare Media "We are grateful that no one was hurt and for CPD's quick response and action."