UW Basketball Coach Will Speak about Faith, Basketball
Laramie residents are invited to listen as University of Wyoming Basketball Coach Allen Edwards talks about his life and basketball at the “Sharing His Testimony” event Saturday, Dec. 3.
Former UW basketball player Anthony Johnson helped plan the event and said it was a great opportunity hear music from a local band and to get to know Coach Edwards.
“This event is a free concert- a local band by the name of Foreverlin will be performing, and it is an opportunity to learn a little more about coach Edwards as he shares a little bit about faith and hoops,” Johnson said.
Johnson said “Sharing His Testimony” will double as a food drive for Laramie food banks, and encourages attendees to bring perishable food items as well as cans.
“If people can get bring some perishable food items, we can collect them and we can really get our two main food banks and get them all ready for the holidays coming up.”
Johnson said the event will run 10 to 12 pm, in order to finish before the Mountain West Championship game. It will be held at the University Field House.
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