University Of Wyoming Engineering Professor Honored
Fred Ogden, a University of Wyoming professor of engineering, has been selected to receive the 2015 Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award from the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The award recognizes Ogden’s contributions to surface water hydrology through theoretical development, models and innovative applications.
“Together with my students, I've been developing hydrological models and algorithms for my entire career,” says Ogden, who is currently in Panama conducting hydrological research. “I think that this recognition actually reflects on the excellent group of students, collaborators, advisers and mentors that I've worked with over the years.”
The award letter to Ogden states, “In selecting you for this award, the committee particularly noted your work on the CASC2D model.”
CASC2D or “cascade of planes in two dimensions” is the model Ogden worked on during his dissertation research at Colorado State University between 1990 and 1992.
“It was the first model that I helped to develop, and it morphed into GSSHA (Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrological Analysis model) as my students and I added groundwater and other features,” Ogden says. “It also serves as a guide for the development of ADHydro (Adaptive mesh hydrology model) that we are developing to simulate the upper Colorado River basin on the NCAR-Wyoming supercomputer.”
The ASCE award, which includes a plaque and cash, will be presented to Ogden during the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress in Austin, Texas, May 17-21.
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