WHO Warns 1st Wave of Pandemic Not Over; Dampens HopesWHO Warns 1st Wave of Pandemic Not Over; Dampens HopesIndia reported a record single-day jump in new infections for the seventh straight day.Associated PressAssociated Press
UN: Live Animal Markets Shouldn’t be Closed Despite VirusUN: Live Animal Markets Shouldn’t be Closed Despite VirusIt does not recommend that such live markets be shut down globally.Associated PressAssociated Press
President Trump Halts US Payments to WHOPresident Trump Halts US Payments to WHOTrump claims the organization failed to carry out its “basic duty” and must be held accountable.Associated PressAssociated Press
WHO Declares Virus Crisis is Now a PandemicWHO Declares Virus Crisis is Now a PandemicPremier Giuseppe Conte says he will consider requests to toughen an already extraordinary lockdown.Associated PressAssociated Press