My family has visited Yellowstone National Park several times over the years and it's hard to imagine that there was a raging super-volcano underneath our feet. A recent video makes that seem a lot more real showing how hot the ground of Yellowstone is on a thermal camera.
There have alway been theories and it appears that internet only spreads them easier, but it has long been believed that Yellowstone National Park super volcano would cause an extinction level event.
Thanks to movies and pop culture, the Yellowstone super-volcano in our backyard gets all the press from sensationalistic theories about the end of the world. The truth is there is a much more dangerous super-volcano and it's not Yellowstone. It's Campi Flegrei.
I've got a good one for you. If you want to avoid natural disasters, come to Wyoming. Are you done laughing yet? Good. There really is a study that says our state is the go-to place to be safe.