Your Question:
Why aren't the traffic lights downtown timed better? It seems that currently you can catch every light red when driving down the same street.
Your Question:
I've recently noticed cameras on top of stop light poles here in town. What are they? Are they red light cameras?
My other question is about seatbelts. Are seatbelts a secondary violation or can you be pulled over solely for not wearing a seatbelt in Laramie?
Your Question: What do we gain by having blinking yellow left turn arrows on stoplights? They are confusing. When I first encountered it, I thought it was like the green left turn arrow, but telling me that the other lane would be allowed to go very soon. This is not the case.
Your Question: Why is the light crossing Grand at 13th so short? The crossing there gets heavy use and you basically have to sprint to make it across Grand before the light turns green. This should be changed.
Your Question: Could the stop light at East Grand Ave. & Vista Drive be adjusted to have a longer 'green light' time for the traffic waiting on Vista Drive? There are times that it has been green for under a half a minute! Plus, we might sit waiting for it to turn green for over 2 minutes. Thanks!
Your Question:
Will the pedestrian crossing signals ever work again at Harney and 15th St. After the installation of the new lights and testing to try and get the lights working properly someone forgot about the pedestrians.
Why is the city messing with all the stoplights that don't need to be messed with? I am referring specifically to 15th & Harney and most recently 4th & Harney. There was ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with the setup of those two intersections.