The service members in the UAE are from 23 different hometowns in Wyoming. In Kuwait, the service members represent 40 different hometowns across Wyoming.
Senator John Barrasso leads bipartisan resolution condemning assassination attempt on former President Trump, calling for national unity and safety at political events.
“Joe Biden and the open-border Democrats are terrified that voters will hold them accountable for the crime, the drugs, and the terrorists that are flooding into the United States. With the election only months away, the White House is panicked. They should be" said Senator John Barrasso.
Wyoming and South Dakota senators sent a letter to the U.S. Forest Service Chief criticizing the Biden administration for its forest management policies in the Black Hills National Forest.
"...Wyoming is ready to do our part to power American reactors with American nuclear fuel. Russia’s dominance of the world’s nuclear fuel supply chain is coming to an end" said Senator Barrasso
Senators Barrasso, Lummis, and Cruz champion bipartisan push for AM Radio in all new vehicles, citing vital role in rural areas like Wyoming for news and emergencies.