One Man Lays Wreaths in Normandy on This Unusual D-DayOne Man Lays Wreaths in Normandy on This Unusual D-DayHe is also filming ceremonies and wreathlayings for the families.Associated PressAssociated Press
The Loneliest of D-Day Remembrances is Hit by PandemicThe Loneliest of D-Day Remembrances is Hit by PandemicThe coronavirus pandemic and its lockdown restrictions made sure the famous Omaha Beach landing strip was largely deserted.Associated PressAssociated Press
French Teens, Normandy Vets Swap Stories of Life in LockdownFrench Teens, Normandy Vets Swap Stories of Life in LockdownThey decided to swap stories about their lives during the pandemic.Associated PressAssociated Press
D-Day 75: Nations Honor Veterans, Memory of Fallen TroopsD-Day 75: Nations Honor Veterans, Memory of Fallen TroopsPassing on memories is especially urgent, with hundreds of World War II veterans now dying every day.Associated PressAssociated Press
97-Year-Old U.S. Veteran Parachutes into Normandy to Mark Anniversary97-Year-Old U.S. Veteran Parachutes into Normandy to Mark AnniversaryTheir engines throbbing, C-47 transporters dropped group after group of parachutists.Associated PressAssociated Press
One by One, D-Day Memories Fade as War’s Witnesses DieOne by One, D-Day Memories Fade as War’s Witnesses DieHistorians stress the importance of keeping their memories alive.Associated PressAssociated Press