Cheyenne Council Committee Advances Non-Discrimination ResolutionCheyenne Council Committee Advances Non-Discrimination ResolutionThe Cheyenne City Council is expected to pass a non-discrimination resolution when it meets Monday night.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Cheyenne City Council to Consider Non-Discrimination ResolutionCheyenne City Council to Consider Non-Discrimination ResolutionThe Cheyenne City Council is expected to vote on a non-discrimination resolution when it meets on October 24.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
The Fight for LGBT Rights [VIDEO]The Fight for LGBT Rights [VIDEO]King says Laramie is the only Wyoming city that has protections in place, though other cities have made progress.Nick LearnedNick Learned
Cheyenne Remembers Orlando Shooting VictimsCheyenne Remembers Orlando Shooting VictimsCHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) - Leaders of the Cheyenne community gathered Thursday to honor the victims of the Orlando nightclub shooting.Associated PressAssociated Press
Matthew Shepard Foundation: Orlando Attack Puts LGBT Community On AlertMatthew Shepard Foundation: Orlando Attack Puts LGBT Community On AlertHate crimes traditionally have been defined as acts that send fear to an entire community whose members are similar to those of the victim.Tom MortonTom Morton
Massacre Survivor Massacre Survivor A man with Cheyenne ties was one of the survivors of Sunday morning's massacre at Orlando's Pulse nightclub.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Should Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized In Wyoming? [RESULTS]Should Same Sex Marriage Be Legalized In Wyoming? [RESULTS]We had an overwhelming amount of votes from not only Wyoming, but around the world in our latest poll question regarding same-sex marriage! Jerrad AndersonJerrad Anderson