Fire Cancels Cancer CampFire Cancels Cancer CampThe Lava Mountain Fire is located northwest of Dubois in the Shoshone National Forest.Roger GrayRoger Gray
View Wyoming Wildfires from Space [PHOTOS]View Wyoming Wildfires from Space [PHOTOS]From grass fires to forest fires, these disasters have a big impact on our lives. They are so big that we can see them from space thanks to NASA.Bill SchwamleBill Schwamle
Cliff Creek, Lava Mountain, Hatchery Blazes Grew Over The Weekend; Nearly 1,600 Firefighters On SceneCliff Creek, Lava Mountain, Hatchery Blazes Grew Over The Weekend; Nearly 1,600 Firefighters On SceneFirefighters are using controlled burns to consume fuel between the operations lines and the Cliff Creek Fire.Tom MortonTom Morton