The business that would one day take the place of Madam Opal's began as a dream of two coworkers sneaking off after work to have their own wine club. "It was very exclusive," said Lesley Young, co-owner of Cask 307. "Just the two of us sneaking ing to the back room of what was then Snowy Range Dodge when we were done with work. We'd always talk about opening a wine bar."
Friday at the Gryphon Theater it's the Laradise Music Showcase #9. The evening of live music will feature the Matt Skinner Band and Laramie's own Tie Hack.
Historic walking tours of downtown continue this summer after four “brothel themed” walking tours during Jubilee Days sold out.
Do to the popularity of this event, the Laramie Main Street Alliance has added additional tours with a slight twist on the theme.