2018 Fall Book Sale2018 Fall Book SaleThe sale will be opened to the general public on Saturday, November 3. Caitlin AnderleCaitlin Anderle
ACPL Book SaleACPL Book SaleCalling all bookworms looking for a good deal!Caitlin AnderleCaitlin Anderle
Spring Book SaleSpring Book SaleACPL's Spring Book Sale is right around the corner!Caitlin AnderleCaitlin Anderle
Fall Book SaleFall Book SaleProceeds from the sale will go to Friends of the Library, which helps buy new books and materials for the Albany County Public Library.Caitlin AnderleCaitlin Anderle
Spring Book Sale 2017Spring Book Sale 2017The sale will also include CDs, vinyl records, and DVDs.Caitlin AnderleCaitlin Anderle
Book SaleBook SaleProceeds will help the library make purchases not covered in the budget.Caitlin AnderleCaitlin Anderle