Wyoming Lawmakers Back Fund to Sue Other States Over CoalWyoming Lawmakers Back Fund to Sue Other States Over CoalWyoming produces more coal than any other state but demand for coal to generate electricity is down.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wyoming Governor Considers Suing Washington Over TerminalWyoming Governor Considers Suing Washington Over TerminalThe completed terminal could ship coal produced in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin to international markets.Associated PressAssociated Press
Wyoming Governor Approaches Mexico About Exporting CoalWyoming Governor Approaches Mexico About Exporting CoalWashington state previously denied a permit to build a coal-export facility there.Associated PressAssociated Press
Appeals Court Sides With State in Opposing Coal TerminalAppeals Court Sides With State in Opposing Coal TerminalSupporters of the project say construction of the terminal would be accompanied by needed environmental cleanup.Associated PressAssociated Press