Wyoming Sheriff: 3 Found Dead, 1 in Custody in Homicide CaseWyoming Sheriff: 3 Found Dead, 1 in Custody in Homicide CaseAt the home, deputies found three adults dead. Nick LearnedNick Learned
Gov. Mead Appoints New Circuit Court Judge For Northcentral WyomingGov. Mead Appoints New Circuit Court Judge For Northcentral WyomingEdward Luhm fills the vacancy with the retirement of Judge Thomas Harrington on Jan. 7.Tom MortonTom Morton
BLM Wyoming Oil And Gas Lease Sale Nets $38.7 Million In BidsBLM Wyoming Oil And Gas Lease Sale Nets $38.7 Million In BidsThe highest bid per acre was $16,851.Associated PressAssociated Press
Big Horn County Hospital District Subject of InvestigationBig Horn County Hospital District Subject of InvestigationThe hospital board began cooperating with investigators in February.Associated PressAssociated Press
Frost Advisory TonightFrost Advisory TonightThe National Weather Service has issued a weather forecast for today and Saturday that is more like a fall forecast than summer.Brian ScottBrian Scott
UW Profs Study Bighorn Basin Climate ImpactsUW Profs Study Bighorn Basin Climate ImpactsDuring the past 13,000 years, Wyoming’s Bighorn Basin has experienced significant increases in population growth according to three University of Wyoming professors. Laramie Live StaffLaramie Live Staff