(courtesy of Suite 107)


Suite 107 in Laramie is the newest venue in town. They offer a great sound system and ample space to perform! Their unique location offers a place outside of the bars to put on a show where anyone is welcome. On Friday November 18th from 8pm-11pm The Bimarinal, The Upbeat Project and Mount Brendon will be performing!

For those interested in attending Suite 107 is located at 1575 Nth 4th St and tickets are only $4 or $2 for any student who brings a school ID! Headlining the nights concert is Boulder, CO based The Bimarinal. The Upbeat Project and Mount Brendon both of Laramie will also be adding to the nights entertainment.

As with any show at Suite 107 concerts are open to all ages, drugs and alcohol are prohibited, moshing will be permitted but no fighting is allowed. Water and ear plugs will also be on sale at the door.


Here's a little taste of what's to come!


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