Police Visibility to Increase at Cheyenne Frontier Days
Cheyenne police and city officials are working closely with Cheyenne Frontier Days to strengthen security and ensure public safety at this summer's event.
To increase public safety, CFD will be paying for additional police officers to be present at rodeos, night shows and throughout Frontier Park. The city plans to cover half the cost, $50,000, while CFD will fund the other half.
Officers from other parts of Wyoming will also be brought in to help with the increased staffing demands.
“We want folks to come to Cheyenne, experience CFD to the fullest and arrive home safely," said CFD CEO Tom Hirsig. "CFD is committed to do everything in our power to accomplish that result.”
Officials say the plan will allow Cheyenne police officers to maintain proactive city policing and detectives to continue their investigations without having those resources diverted to CFD.
“We are pleased that CFD has agreed to help the city have sufficient numbers of officers to deal with the large crowds that enjoy CFD," said Cheyenne Mayor Marian. “This partnership will increase public safety this summer and for years to come."
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