Opinion: It’s Time for Men to Stand Up Against Sexual Assault
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. It's not April yet, but I believe it's vital that more men speak up and stand up against this terrible crime and cultural issue.
The Casper Police Department shared a status on their Facebook page marking the upcoming awareness campaign.
Do Something shared 11 facts about sexual assault. If you look at the data they shared, you can see horrific details. 1 in 5 college-age women will be sexually assaulted with 42% happening from people they know. The same percentage of women who are assaulted will never say anything to anyone.
It's high time we make a change and I rarely hear guys talk about this subject. That needs to change. Now. As a man who also happens to be a father of daughters, I vow to stand up to any situation where a woman appears to be in peril and hold my fellow brothers responsible for their behavior. Especially in Wyoming, the cowboy way of honor must be the rule and not the exception.
See something? Say something. Do something. I consider anyone that harms a woman to be a coward. If a majority of women are afraid of saying something about terrible treatment and assault, it's vital that men stand in the gap and let the ladies in our lives know we won't let them suffer.
It's not just a problem for women. It can happen to men also. No matter who you are, you deserve to be treated with respect. As a man, I vow to hold myself and others to a higher standard. Let's make it happen now.