Octoberfeast Is Offering a DIY Brewery and Distillery Tour
A press release yesterday from Visit Cheyenne announced that Cheyenne Restaurant Week would use the reschedule date from April to October 11th through the 17th. If you’re not sure what the event will entail, Visit Cheyenne described the nuts and bolts here.
Restaurants will offer prix fixe meal options or special prices during the week. Visit Cheyenne is supporting the week with a dedicated website page, promotion across several media platforms and a multi-media ad campaign. Diners can see all of the menu offerings at www.cheyennerestaurantweek.com and watch for new developments at Cheyenne Restaurant Week on Facebook and Instagram.
That seems pretty awesome, right? A week of food, and man, I’m here for it. But the thing that I’m the most excited about, that I may or may not have already done, is they’re utilizing their Daddy of The Malt promotion between breweries and distilleries in Laramie County for a Do It Yourself kind of Brewery and Distillery tour.
Also added to the mix this season is a do-it-yourself brewery and distillery tour, planned for the last weekend of OctoberFeast, October 17 & 18. Participants can download a free Daddy of the Malt Craft Beverage Trail Pass from the Cheyenne Restaurant Week website, check out the participating hotels offering discount rates, and make a weekend of it in Cheyenne.
If you haven’t downloaded that app yet, it’s worth it’s weight in gold. You get buy one get one free drinks at places like Freedom’s Edge Brewing Co., Black Tooth Brewing Co., Accomplice Beer Co., Danielmark’s Brewing Co. Inc., Pine Bluff’s Distilling and Chronicles Distilling when they’re up and running to the public again.
All in all, great food aside, this set’s us up for some great fun in Mid October.

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