After we all barely survived frontier-ing for 10 days in a row, now the Laramie County Fair rolls into the Archer. I'm not saying we're mad about it, but you better put on your big boy(or girl) pants, because there's a full week of events on the way to keep you going.

Here are some updates for today if you're heading out to the Archer.

On top of all the 4-H fun that will be happening, we have motocross, tractor pulls, demolition derby and more! Honestly, tractor pulls are the heart and sole of any County Fair. Or at least, the ones that rip through the loudest. Pig wrestling is going to be the top event next Wednesday, so get ready for that. They aren't motorized like the other events, but they sure are fun to watch.

If you're thinking to yourself, I'm not sure if I am fully recovered from last week, but want to support my nephew/grandkid/friend's kid, you're in luck, you can catch a stream of the Laramie County Fair. It'll almost be like you're there for them. You can at least smile and say, "I saw". We all know that little kids love when you tell them that.

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If you're looking to head out to the Laramie County Fair, you have until August 14th, then it'll roll out of town. You might be able to catch your breath from the hangover of both Cheyenne Frontier Days AND the Laramie County Fair. A daunting task, I know. Good luck, I believe in you.

Scenes From the Cheyenne Kiwanis' CFD Pancake Breakfasts 2021

LOOK: Cheyenne Frontier Days 2021 Grand Parades March Through Cheyenne

Four Cheyenne Frontier Days Grand Parades again marched through downtown Cheyenne in 2021, to the delight of thousands of onlookers.

At the parades (July 27, 29, 31), there was an endless array of marching bands, floats, riders on horseback, horse-drawn wagons, and other exhibits too numerous to mention.

The parades alternate with the Frontier Days Pancake Breakfasts which happened on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings of CFD week (July 26, 28, 30) at the Cheyenne Depot Plaza.

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