LOOK: Horses Premier In Cheyenne Frontier Days Kickoff
Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo Chair Chad Mathews says he's gotten ''fantastic'' feedback on a change from steers to bucking horses in the unofficial kickoff to Cheyenne Frontier Days.
For many years, a cattle drive featuring hundreds of Corriente steers had unofficially heralded the start of Cheyenne Frontier Days events, albeit several days before the formal start of rodeo action.
But a change in the schedule for the 2022 "Daddy of 'em all" brought that tradition to an end, at least for this year. That's because the steers were needed at Frontier Park for CFD qualifying events--which this year started on Saturday. The day before the traditional cattle drive, meaning the cattle could not be rounded up at the pasture north of town and driven to Frontier Park.
So Frontier Days officials did what cowboys have always done when they have a problem. They turned to their horses for help.
In this case, instead of a cattle drive, CFD officials decided to instead hold a bucking horse drive on the Sunday before the rodeo. By no means did the change meet with universal acclaim. A lot of folks felt the cattle drive was a beloved tradition. And changing beloved traditions is not usually popular. That was reflected on social media posts on the KGAB Facebook page, where a majority of those commenting did not seem happy about the change.
A few went further, predicting a "wreck."
In a Townsquare Media online poll, 51 percent of respondents said they were unhappy about the change. Another 12 percent applauded it, and about 12 percent took a "wait and see" attitude.
But Mathews on Thursday told KGAB radio that he has heard nothing but positive comments about the horse drive, terming the feedback he has gotten as "fantastic."
So now that it's over for this year..what do you think? Did you like the horse drive? Or would you rather see a return to the steers in 2023?
While you think about your answer, enjoy a gallery of photos from this year's bucking horse roundup!