Hey folks, after the surprisingly wet weekend we had, Laramie Police Department is urging people to report your damaged property, if it was damaged during the storms we had last weekend. It is crucial for the data to be reported to the National Weather Service and other state/federal agencies.

Laramie PD posted this on their Facebook page recently:

"If your property was damaged during the storms over August 13th-14th, it is extremely important that it is reported. Emergency Management uses this data to report to the National Weather Service and other state/federal agencies to better understand the severity of the event. There may be assistance available to help with the recovery process, however, that cannot be determined until all damages have been reported. Please report ALL damages to residential, commercial, or agricultural properties at the link below"

REPORT HERE: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/2a24fe5d47064de58ce5b8f357b1f320 

However, if you are in a life-threatening situation, dial 9-1-1.

As always, stay safe!

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