Laramie County Sheriff Candidates Dispute Gun Control, BLM Charges
Former Cheyenne Police Chief Brian Kozak is vehemently denying allegations from a rival candidate for sheriff that he is a "gun grabber" who supports the Black Lives Matter movement.
The allegations and denials have been posted on Facebook in recent days.
James Barth, who has positioned himself as a constitutional conservative, is accusing former Cheyenne Police Cheif Bryan Kozak of supporting gun control and sympathizing with the Black Live Matter movement.
Kozak, in turn, is accusing Barth of dirty politics and posting "fake news" lies about him.
Barth in a recent post on his James Barth for Laramie County Sheriff Facebook page, included the following comments about Kozak:
''And as you may have guessed by now, Kozak is a “documented” gun grabber — in fact, former Cheyenne Police Chief Brian Kozak testified against a bill introduced by pro-gun champion Representative Allen Jaggi. Kozak argued in open committee that the city of Cheyenne has the “right” to impose gun control on the citizens."
Barth cited the following as a source https://www.ammoland.com/2013/10/anti-defamation-league-in-cheyenne-wy-spreading-hate-speech-targeting-gun-owners/#axzz778Arhc83.
Barth also wrote the following about Kozak's alleged participation in a protest following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minnesota:
''True enough that there was wrongdoing by the Minneapolis police officers regarding their actions against George Floyd, but, in the politician’s fashion of not telling the whole story, Brian Kozak is masking some of the truth here. The case of George Floyd was not a reason for national protests, and certainly not by the Chief of Police in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Kozak aligned himself with the activist group, Black Lives Matter, in an attempt to pander to people. His presence gave support to the BLM’s violent and destructive riots that tore across American cities while demanding that police departments be defunded."
You can see the entire James Barth post here.
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