Kansas Resident Killed in Traffic Accident Near Laramie
According to Wyoming Highway Patrol, 44 year-old Bryan Lewis from Kansas died in a traffic accident on Monday morning in Albany County near Laramie.

Lewis was driving a Chevrolet Astro Van that was eastbound on I-80 in the right lane near mile marker 324 at 10:39 a.m.
According to the narrative provided by Highway Patrol, when the van was exiting onto the right side of the road, Lewis turned back to the left, overcorrecting back onto the road which caused his vehicle to flip and slide on the passenger side.
The van tripped and rolled multiple times before coming to rest on the passenger side off the road on the shoulder.
Highway Patrol does not list any possible contributing factors, however it does state Lewis was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash.
This is the 74th fatality on Wyoming's roadways in 2021 to date, and the 68th crash this year, compared to 85 fatalities in 2020, 107 in 2019, 69 in 2018, and 102 in 2017 at the same point in the year.