Wyoming Legislative Leader Praises Passage Of Home School Bill
The sponsor of a bill designed to help families who home school, who is also the Wyoming House Majority Floor Leader, has applauded the passage of the measure, which was recently signed into law by Gov. Mark Gordon.
You can read House Bill 70 here.
,The bill's primary sponsor, Rep. Chip Neiman [R-Weston, Crook counties] released a statement earlier this week which included the following:
“This is an important, common-sense law for families who choose to homeschool their children,” said House Majority Floor Leader Chip Neiman. “Homeschooled children will benefit greatly from the broader involvement this new law allows. This measure will lead to a richer experience for home.''
The bill removes restrictions currently in state law that only permit home-based education to be provided by a child’s parent or legal guardian. The bill will allow more than one family unit to work together to provide home-based education.
The measure sailed through the legislature with little opposition, passing the House on a 60-1 vote, with the lone no vote being cast by Rep. Karlee Provenza [D-Albany County]. It passed the Senate 27-4, with Sens. Case, Rothfuss, Gierau, and Cooper dissenting from the majority.
Gov. Mark Gordon signed the bill into law last week. It was among the first bills passed by Wyoming lawmakers this session to be signed into law.
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