Online Poll: What Is the Biggest Problem Facing Wyoming Residents?
We are now at about the halfway point of 2023.
So what do you think is the biggest challenge facing state residents this year?
On Cheyenne social media posts, there is a lot of discussion about utility bills that a lot of people think are completely out of control. Do you agree?
Or how about prices at the grocery store? A lot of people say they are having a hard time keeping putting food on the table. Then there are the drug problems that continue to plague the state. Fentanyl overdoses are taking lives, and meth continues to drive other crimes. Some law enforcement officials say that all or almost all home and auto burglaries and similar crimes are caused by drug addiction and substance abuse.
There is also the economy in general, including the hazards of the state's boom-and-bust economy. And it's not secret that many Wyoming residents are not fans of the federal government, including policies that aren't friendly to the energy industries.
Or do you think the biggest problem is something else entirely?
Take our poll and give us your opinion!