Preliminary hearings for two young Cheyenne men charged in the shooting death of a 16-year-old Cheyenne girl have been continued.

Tirso Munguia, 19, and Cody Nicholson, 18, were scheduled to appear in Laramie County Circuit Court at 11 a.m. today, Jan. 19, but their preliminary hearings have been pushed to Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 3 p.m.

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The fatal shooting took place around 6 p.m. last Monday, Jan. 9, near Frontier Mall.

Police say Munguia and Nicholson were reportedly handling a gun in the back seat of a vehicle that was traveling on Dell Range Boulevard when Munguia pulled the trigger, killing Angelina Harrison, who was in the front passenger seat.

Police say the driver, Sarah Heath, 26, of Burns, pulled over and Nicholson fled on foot with the gun. Heath then proceeded to the mall parking lot and called 911.

Thanks to tips from community members, Nicholson was located about three hours later and he and Munguia were subsequently arrested.

The two were formally charged on Thursday, Jan. 12 -- Munguia with involuntary manslaughter and Nicholson with accessory to involuntary manslaughter -- and their bonds were set at $150,000 cash.

Cheyenne Police Department
Cheyenne Police Department

On Tuesday, Jan. 17, detectives arrested Heath on charges of accessory after the fact to manslaughter, furnishing alcohol to a minor (three counts), and possession of marijuana.

As of this morning, Heath had yet to be formally charged, and neither Munguia nor Nicholson had posted bail.

Police have not said how the four individuals are connected or who the gun belongs to.

For more information about this case, check out our earlier posts:

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.